index - Centre d'Études et de Recherches Antiques et Médiévales - EA 173
> CERAM - Center for Ancient and Medieval Studies and Research - EA 173

The EA 173 team of the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle includes two components: the Centre d'Etudes du Moyen Âge (CEMA) and the Centre d'Etudes sur l'Antiquité Rémanente (CESAR). It offers seminars and workshops to doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and colleagues.

CERAM regularly organizes international conferences. 

The team publishes the proceedings of the colloquia and the works resulting from the seminars and workshops.

Themes and fields of research

  • Reception of biblical texts and antiquity, from the Middle Ages to the 21st century

  • Reception of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in children's literature

  • Latin literature (classical, late antique and medieval periods)

  • Ancient philosophy

  • Hagiography, epistolography, tractatology

  • Collecting in medieval manuscripts

  • Text-image relations

  • Methodology and practice of editing and translation of late antique and medieval texts

  • Poetics and aesthetics of medieval narrative (12th-15th centuries)

  • Medieval Historiography

  • Auctorial figures

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Cooperations of CERAM