Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2020

Countercultures, youth cultures and protest cultures in Ecuador during the disruption of the Global Sixties in a transnational perspective


My doctoral research focuses on the way countercultures and protest cultures emerged in Ecuador during the Global Sixties. In this presentation, I will first focus on the theme of Disruption, as it is central to the sixties and the seventies. Secondly, I would like to show that it was a time of upheavals in the entire world, that it was a global phenomenon. Lastly, I will focus my presentation on Ecuador as a specific location to study this global phenomenon.


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Paper - Summer School EUI-HEC - Elodie Lenoel.pdf (205) Télécharger le fichier
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hal-03041622 , version 1 (05-12-2020)


  • HAL Id : hal-03041622 , version 1


Elodie Lenoël. Countercultures, youth cultures and protest cultures in Ecuador during the disruption of the Global Sixties in a transnational perspective. Summer School in Global and Transnational History: Debating the Past in an Age of Global Disruption, European University Institute - Department of History and Civilization, Sep 2020, Florence, Italy. ⟨hal-03041622⟩
73 Consultations
204 Téléchargements

